SHOCKING! New Study Finds Men's and Women's Brains Are Different!

Bryan Michalek | August 9, 2017

In a new study published in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease, researchers uncovered evidence of gender-based differences in brain activity, disputing claims of many who subscribe to identity politics. 

These results show that women's brains are significantly more active in several regions, with a large amount of activity taking place in the prefrontal cortex, which is involved with focus and impulse control, as well as the limbic system, which controls emotions.

The male brains, on the other hand, showed more activity in the visual and coordination centers. 

The study was conducted to understand the differences between brain disorders in men and women and how they affect them differently. In female brains, the risk of Alzheimer's, depression, and anxiety disorders is higher, while men suffer higher rates of ADHD, conduct-related problems, and engagement in activities that lead to incarceration by 1,400 percent.

Conducted by nine Amen Clinics, this new research represents the largest functional brain imaging study of its kind. Researchers compared the scans of 46,034 brains, looking to find differences between male and female brains.

Using a technology called SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) scans, they were able to measure blood perfusion taking place in the brain. This allowed scientists to form images of the brain while subjects performed specific tasks.

Lead author of the study Daniel G. Amen praised the study, saying, "This is a very important study to help understand gender-based brain differences."

"The quantifiable differences we identified between men and women are important for understanding gender-based risk for brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease," he added. "Using functional neuroimaging tools, such as SPECT, are essential to developing precision medicine brain treatments in the future."

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