Move Over, Scrooge: Fauci Won't Rule Out More School Shutdowns

Brittany M. Hughes | November 27, 2022
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Even in the wake of plummeting academic grades in schools from coast-to-coast, a mental health crisis among youth, and a public school system in total crisis, Dr. Anthony Fauci still won't rule out a recommendation to shut down schools heading into 2023.

That would be, of course, to stave off a virus that's already shown itself to have a 99% survival rate, and that multiple doses of The Jab haven't been able to kill off despite President Joe Biden's claim that COVID is now a "pandemic of the unvaccinated." 

Asked by CBS host Margaret Brennan on Face the Nation Sunday whether parents should brace themselves for another school shutdown following the Christma- er, winter holiday - break, instead of responding with a resounding "No," Fauci said...this:

"I don't know, Margaret. I'm not sure. When you talk about shutting down schools, there's always the collateral effects-" Fauci began.

"That's also radioactive," Brennan joked.

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"Exactly," Fauci laughed. "There's always the collateral issue. So you always have to balance, and you do it in real time, depending on the viral load of disease in your region."

Fauci then suggested that "local authorities evaluate on a situation by situation basis" whether or not to shut down schools - again.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the world, there's a bridge that's missing its troll.