Miners Applaud Trump As New Coal Mine Opens

Eric Scheiner | June 12, 2017

President Donald Trump sent a video message to operators of a new coal mine opening up in Somerset County, Pa.

"The miners of Pennsylvania, we’re digging coal again,” Trump says in the video played to Corsa coal workers last week. “When I campaigned for president I said that we would end the war on coal and put our incredible miners – and that’s what you are, you’re incredible – back to work.”

“Clean coal will help power America into the future. One by one we are eliminating the regulations that threaten your jobs, and that’s one of the big reasons your opening today. Less regulation,” Trump added.

“I’m so proud of the fact that you are opening that mine today. I told it you it was going to happen. God bless America,” Trump says in the video which the coal workers applauded.

The Corsa Coal Company opened the mine to produce metallurgical coal for the steel industry.

According to company officials, the mine, which is expected to produce coal for the next 15 years, ultimately will employ 70-100 miners.

Fox News reports that Corsa CEO George Dethlefsen said the mine will be a boon to the struggling local economy.

He praised Trump's easing of regulations and encouragement for fossil fuel exploration.

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