Mike Pence at Establishment Dinner: 'History will Hold Donald Trump Accountable' for Jan. 6

Nick Kangadis | March 13, 2023
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Former Vice President Mike Pence has found a nice niche for himself among the establishment elite in Washington D.C., even going so far as to join in on the bashing of the man who made Pence a national name, his former boss and former President Donald Trump.

Pence was speaking Saturday evening at a D.C. establishment event known as the “Gridiron dinner,” according to The Washington Post. Pence took some of his time to blame Trump for the now-questionable events of January 6, 2021, going so far as to say that “history will hold Donald Trump accountable.”

“President Trump was wrong,” Pence said in front of an audience that reportedly included Secretary of State Antony Blinken and N.J. Gov. Phil Murphy (D). “I had no right to overturn the election. And his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day. And I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable.”

What will history hold Trump accountable for, Mr. Pence?

Will it hold Trump accountable for telling people to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” to those in attendance that would eventually be “marching over to the Capitol building?” Does he consider those words "reckless?" 

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Oh, and by the way, Trump wasn’t even done making his speech when people began entering the Capitol.

Will history hold Trump accountable for sending out tweets that were eventually censored calling for protesters to go home peacefully?

Will history hold Pence accountable for not questioning any and all narratives coming from the establishment media, as well as Democrats and some Republicans?

At this point, it seems as though what someone believes about January 6th, 2021 also coincides with whether they believe their own eyes with the video evidence that’s being presented.

Were there bad actors and actions on that day? Of course. Do we really know all of the people that acted badly and their motives on that day. No, we don’t. That’s why the establishment really doesn’t want you to believe what you’re seeing in the video evidence being presented.

Apparently, Pence has no interest in even allowing his eyes to make a decision on the matter. His mind was made up on January 6, 2021.


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