Meet the First Gerber Baby With Down Syndrome, Who Proves All Life Is Precious

Brittany M. Hughes | February 7, 2018

Do you remember when the abortion extremists got super excited over Iceland claiming it’d practically aborted its Down syndrome babies into extinction?

And then, when they got really pumped after the crazies in Labour Left Ireland touted killing Down babies as a way to “eradicate” the condition? Or when NARAL slammed Ohio for passing a law banning the targeted genocide of Down children?

They’re welcome to put this in their crack pipes and smoke it.

Gerber, only one of the most famous baby brands in history, just announced Wednesday that its newest “Gerber Baby” is – drumroll, please – a beautiful baby boy with Down syndrome.

Meet Lucas Warren, the one-year-old little boy from Dalton, Georgia with a ridiculously infectious smile and the chubbiest cheeks. He’s the first Gerber baby with Down syndrome in the company program’s 90-year history, marking a huge milestone for kids with disabilities.

“We didn’t actually find out he had Down syndrome until he was born,” Lucas’s mom told NBC’s “Today.”

“My biggest concern always with Lucas was how people were going to treat him,” she added. “I was always afraid he’d be bullied, or people would be scared of him. It’s never once changed how we felt about him. He was always our son.”

Lucas’ mom added she hopes her son’s brief moment in the spotlight will spread awareness that children with special needs “are just like you and me.”

Lucas' landing a Gerber baby spot also netted him a $50,000 check, which his parents say they plan to use for his education.

Sadly, unlike Lucas’ parents, who love their son the same regardless his condition, there are plenty of people both in the U.S. and other “developed” nations who don’t think little Lucas’ life is worth protecting, celebrating, or even giving a chance outside the womb -- a notion hard to believe when you see this little boy's amazing smile.

Good on Gerber for not buying into that ridiculous lie, and for recognizing the inherent beauty and dignity of special needs children who are worth every bit as much as the rest of us.

Watch little Lucas make his big debut for yourself, and try not to cry. I dare you.