Media Sheep Follow Big Tech Herd: Blackout On Biden Bombshell

Eric Scheiner | October 16, 2020

In this week’s Wacky Moments of Leftist Extremism:

Like a group of sheep the leftist media followed the big tech giants Facebook and Twitter in silencing a New York Post report that hints to ‘quid pro Joe ‘activity in the Ukraine,  like Voldemort – it just could not be named. Proving that he lived firmly inside a liberal bubble, CNN's Don Lemon led into his grievances Wednesday by asking Chris Cuomo, “You know what everyone is talking about, everyone I know? They are outraged about what’s happening tomorrow night.”  Of course, he was whining about NBC’s Trump Town Hall event going up against ABC’s Joe Biden event.

Tuesday’s CNN New Day broadcast featured host John Berman ignoring the explosive allegations against Joe Biden in favor of two claims against President Trump. Not once were the allegations against Biden brought up. Instead, the network focused on two minor attacks against the President that they could not present proof on.

All three network morning shows on Wednesday skipped a Democratic Senator sliming Amy Coney Barrett, asking if the Supreme Court Nominee is a rapist. Hawaii’s Mazie Hirono on Tuesday demanded, “Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors, or committed any physical or verbal harassment or assault of a sexual nature?” After Barrett replied, “No, Senator Hirono,” the liberal politician tried again: “Have you ever faced discipline or entered into a settlement related to this kind of conduct?” The judge again replied, "No, Senator." 

On CNN’s New Day, John Avlon continued the Democrat attacks by claiming “Judge Amy Coney Barrett is sitting in a STOLEN appellate court seat right now.”Of course, Article 2 Section 2 of the Constitution has always given the Senate the right to approve or deny nominees. Following the Constitution is clearly a crime on CNN.

Christmas came early for those wanting CNN to resemble a real, serious news organization (albeit for only 14 minutes). On Tuesday’s Situation Room, host Wolf Blitzer hammered Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for refusing to accept any and all offers of compromise for Coronavirus stimulus from Republicans and the White House. In response, Pelosi melted down. I guess she’s not used to taking real questions.

To see clips from these stories and more, watch the video above.

For a complete rundown of leftist media extremism, check out NewsBusters.