Media Ignored Obama's Church, NYT Infiltrates Romney's

kyoder | May 22, 2012

The liberal media regularly emphasizes presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith, yet ignores the controversial ties between President Obama and his 20-year pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

New York Times’ reporter Jodi Kantor talks with MSNBC's Thomas Roberts on "the biographical influence of faith on Mitt Romney's life." A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, Romney could become the first Mormon president in United States history. 

Kantor says no one believes that as president Romney would "impose" Mormon teaching. She explains, "we're talking about much more subtle matters of world view, of morality." Mormonism taught Romney certain traits, such as an emphasis on rules and the importance of prayer in making decisions.

Roberts asks if Romney has a "struggle with how to be a good elected politician" while a man of faith. Kantor offers one example: while Romney preaches kindness and sensitivity to others, he uses political attacks on the campaign trail, "some of which are very harsh."

The liberal media constantly connects conservative politicians to their faith, but refuses to acknowledge President Obama's relationship with the radical Reverend Wright. They fail to investigate how Wright’s rants apply to Obama’s personal life, or how Obama’s faith creates conflict for him as a politician. The religious focus on Romney versus Obama is evident: search “Romney Mormon” at the New York Times website, and 12,000 hits appear in a 12-month search, but type “Obama Jeremiah” and there are 4,330 hits – since 1851.

As a voice informing the American people, the media must deliver fair coverage – and recognize responsibility that comes with power.