Media Flaunts Woman Who Dyed Her Armpits Rainbow For Gay Pride

ashley.rae | June 21, 2017

(Image source: Instagram)

Cosmopolitan magazine, the magazine young women often seek for advice about their sexual escapades, is celebrating Pride Month by flaunting a woman who oh-so-bravely dyed her armpits rainbow for gay pride.

In a tweet on Wednesday, Cosmopolitan asserted, “Rainbow Armpit Hair For Pride Is the Most Amazing Thing You'll See Today.”

In her definitive piece on the matter, Lilian Min writes compares hairstylist and Instagram celebrity Caitlin Ford’s rainbow armpits to millennial trends such as unicorn hair, splat hair, and hidden rainbow hair. Min asserts rainbow armpit hair is the final frontier of “prismatic beauty.”

Refinery29, a news source for “modern women,” also promoted the dyed armpit hair, as did beauty magazine Allure.

According to Allure, Ford said dyeing your armpit hair is “actually very fun and easy to do.”

Allure also captured Instagram photos of Ford dyeing her armpit hair in her Instagram story:

According to Min, dyeing your armpit hair is “still somewhat of a political choice” and rainbow dyed armpit hair is “subtle political messaging meet subtle political messaging.”

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