McCain in 2010: 'We're Going to Repeal' Obamacare

Nick Kangadis | July 28, 2017

Well, this is awkward.

Despite Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) aiding in the blockade of a “skinny” repeal of Obamacare during a midnight vote in the Senate, McCain was singing a different tune back in 2010.

McCain was speaking at a campaign rally for his reelection to the Senate with former vice presidential running mate Sarah Palin by his side.

Here’s what McCain had to say in 2010:

“And you know, the message is; This health care bill, repeal and replace. Repeal and replace. Repeal and replace,” McCain said. “And then if you don’t, we’re going to repeal them.”

Oh, there's this little nugget from McCain's Twitter page in 2010:


We’ll just leave it at that.