Mayorkas Implies Biden Admin's Immigration Policy is to Transfer Wealth Out of U.S.

Nick Kangadis | May 11, 2023
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The Biden regime seems to not give a damn what the American people think about…well, anything anymore. Recently, lackeys from within his regime have been saying the quiet parts of regime policies out loud for everyone to hear. And, it doesn’t take an “expert” to understand what they’re trying to do. The regime isn’t smart enough to pull the wool over Americans’ eyes in most regards.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spoke during the White House press briefing on Thursday to talk about immigration and the expiration of Title 42, which will allow an invasion of illegal immigrants to flood the U.S. officially beginning Thursday evening.

While taking questions, one reporter asked what the “rough cost to American taxpayers” is “since the roughly four million people have come into this country illegally since” President Joe Biden took office in January of 2021.

Mayorkas predictably dodged the question, and said he wanted to “turn that question around a little bit,” most likely to fit his and the regime’s agenda.

Let me turn that question around a little bit, because I’m going to turn it around to match the question that an international partner asked of me. And the question that the international partner asked of me is, ‘What is the economic cost of your broken immigration system since there are businesses around this country that are desperate for workers, there are desperate workers looking for jobs — desperate workers in foreign countries that are looking for jobs in the United States — where they can earn money lawfully and send much needed remittances back home?’

Related: Will There Still be a Border? Thousands Set to Illegally Invade U.S. on Thursday when Title 42 Expires

Okay, so first, I’d like to know who asked Mayorkas that question, because it sounds like he made it up as a way to evade answering what he was asked and answer with something more convenient to the regime.

Second, Mayorkas just admitted that the regime’s immigration policy is to facilitate a transfer of wealth out of the U.S. and back to foreign countries all around the world.

Finally, who gives a hot damn if people in foreign countries are looking for work? How about the lazy asses we have here in the U.S. suckling off the government teat rather than earning their money? Or how about jobs for the increasing number of homeless Americans?

I thought the left was in favor of unfettered illegal immigration into the U.S. because these people were in danger and seeking asylum? Now it’s just whoever wants a job around the world can displace the Americans who already live here?

Our government is sick. The people within it are sick, and they absolutely do NOT have the best interests of Americans at heart. Then again, you have to have a heart in order to take anything to heart or consider the interests of others at heart.



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