Man Gets in Epic Battle With Piece of Gym Equipment, Loses

danjoseph | November 10, 2014

If you’re out of shape, the gym can be a frightening and confusing place.  Complicated equipment, the feeling that you’re being judged by all of the people who are far more fit than you are.

It’s scary if you’ve just started working out and you don’t really know what you’re doing.

By the looks of it, this particular gentleman fits into more than one of these categories.

He proceeds to engage in an epic battle with a 45lb weight and a complex looking piece of gym equipment.

Despite repeatedly being humiliated by an inanimate object, in front of a room full of staring (and presumably laughing) people, he never gives up.  So you have to give him points for his persistence. 

After all, sticking with a workout routine is the first step when it comes to getting in shape.

Hat Tip: Total Frat Move