Man Defends Legacy of Che Guevara

danjoseph | October 12, 2011

Anytime you go to a liberal rally you're pretty much guaranteed to see at least one person wearing a t-shirt that displays the iconic face of Che Guevara.
Guevara was a Cuban revolutionary who helped Fidel Castro bring communism to Cuba.  Of course the great irony of this is that his image is now heavily exploited by all those wanting to turn a fast buck selling 'revolutionary' chic. Many of  the individuals who purchase merchandise with Che on it clearly have no idea who the man is,  nor are they familiar with his legacy of death and destruction.
We met one such individual at the Occupy DC rally this week.

He is personally responsible for killing political prisoners in the Cuban uprising and personally carried out many of the executions.
He was one of the minds behind the actions that eventually led to, what we now know as the  Cuban Missile Crisis and advocated the use of nukes in order to realize his goals of armed revolution throughout South America.  That being said, most of the Marxist revolutions he attempted to foment around the world ended in failure.
He idolized Joseph Stalin and liberals might be shocked to learn that he despised homosexuals.
But, he looks good on shirts, he died young and he hated capitalism.  For many on the Left that's all that they need.  Why get tangled up in the messy details when the Hollywood imagery suits your purpose so perfectly?