Man Crashes Car Into Veteran 'In The Name of Allah'

Daniel Pickert | October 3, 2016

Scott Alcala (pictured above), an Army veteran living in California, was driving to a golf course in San Jose to meet his father when a Toyota Corolla going over 100 mph struck him on the highway. The driver was Ameer Abbas Fakhraldin, and he made it clear the crash was no accident. He told an off-duty police officer who rushed to the scene, “I did it on purpose. It was in the name of Allah,” according to KMPH-TV.

The police report shows Fakhraldin explained to authorities the cause of the collision was due to Donald Trump’s mistreatment of minorities, as well as Allah and people having a lack of faith in him. He also claimed he used psychic/telekinetic powers to control the course of the vehicle.

Alcala stated, “There was no remorse. He just went back to his car nonchalant, pulled out a water bottle and just posted up.”

Alcala fought in the war on terror and expressed he feels like he’s back in a war zone with some of the recent terrorist activity happening in the United States. “Coming back from Afghanistan, thinking I’m on home soil I’m safe now… just shouldn’t have to worry about something like that you know,” he said.

Fakhraldin is no longer in police custody, although the FBI is now involved with the situation.