London Mayor Calls Wannabe Jihadists Porn-Obsessed 'Losers'

Brad Fox | January 30, 2015
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Young (British) men who want to join the Islamic state do so because they feel like losers, says London Mayor Boris Johnson. 

In an interview with The Sun, London Mayor is quoted: 

"If you look at the psychological profiling of bombers, they typically, will look at porn. They are rejected by women, they are not making it with girls, and so they turn to other forms of spiritual comfort - which of course is no comfort." 

"They are just young men in desperate need of self-esteem who do not have a particular mission in life, who feel that they are losers and this thing makes them feel strong and feel like winners." 

Asked after the interview by Sky News, he said that his comments were uncontroversial. 

H/T Free Beacon 
