LOL: Maddow Show Accidentally Sends Rep. Cawthorn Email Saying She’s Too Scared to Interview Him

Gabriel Hays | January 12, 2022

Hyperbolic MSNBC nutjob Rachel Maddow and her team might seem confident in super-progressive propaganda during their network broadcasts, but a recent mistake on their part shows that they are not secure enough about their talking points to actually debate real-life conservatives.

In an email exchange between a Rachel Maddow Show senior producer and another NBC News colleague, the Maddow producer mentioned that her team was reluctant to ask 26-year-old U.S. Representative Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) for a comment on a story because they were worried he might ask to come on the show.

What’s more hilarious than the Maddow team being scared of an honest debate with the young congressman, they accidentally emailed it to Cawthorn’s people! How embarrassing! shared the email from the producer which claimed, “‘We are kinda interested in this AP story (below) that just dropped about Rep. Madison Cawthorn. A group of voters in NC is challenging his candidacy based on his ties to the insurrection,’ an MSNBC senior producer wrote in an email to an NBC News staffer on Capitol Hill.”

According to The Daily Wire, the story Maddow’s team was referring to was about a North Carolina political group, Free Speech For People, filing a lawsuit to stop the lawmaker from running for office again on account of his participation in the “insurrection” of January 6.

Though all Cawthorn did was give a speech ahead of Donald Trump’s at the peaceful “Save America” rally on the mall that day. 

The producer asked the Capitol staffer about getting a comment from Cawthorn: “Do you or any other NBC Hill folks plan to ask him for comment on this story?” 

Though the producer followed the question by expressing hesitation at the thought that the congressman might want to come on Maddow’s show: “If not, is that something you guys could do? We don’t have a relationship with his office and between you and me are a little worried that if we did inquire he might ask to come on and explain. I know that is HIGHLY doubtful, but don’t want to take that risk.” 

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Though for some reason the producer accidentally copied Cawthorn’s office’s email address to the email and the representative’s team received it. He confirmed the news on Twitter, sharing the news along with his own caption of “Whoopsies @MSNBC!”

In a statement from Cawthorn’s office, the representative stated, “Fake news MSNBC doesn’t want to ‘take the risk’ that I’ll come on their show and trigger the left with my America First message and burst their woke dystopian bubble.” 

Unfortunately for Maddow, that seems to be the case. Cawthorn’s statement also claimed, “The left doesn’t want debate from conservatives, they want silence. And now we have it in writing. Sad!”

Yeah Maddow sure can dish it out, but she knows she can’t take it!