Liberals Who Spewed Profanity At Trump Are Doxxing 'Let's Go Brandon' Dad For Prank Biden Call

Brittany M. Hughes | December 27, 2021

It all started when Jared Schmeck, a dad and former Oregon police officer, ended a phone call to President Joe Biden with the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon!” 

The call was one of many that Biden and his wife, Jill, took while “tracking Santa” with NORAD on Christmas Eve. Schmeck, whose family called in to the annual event, ended his brief time with the president by throwing out the now-infamous euphemism for “F*** Joe Biden,” a slogan that gained popularity thanks to a viral trend at sporting events and one selectively hard-of-hearing NASCAR reporter.

Hilariously, the president, who doesn’t seem to know the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” is actually code for profanity aimed in his personal direction, agreed with Schmeck on live TV, saying, “Let’s go Brandon – I agree!” 

The ultimate troll moment quickly went viral on social media – and immediately enraged liberals who, not five minutes ago, were perfectly fine with screaming all manner of profanity at a president they didn’t like. Twitter, which claims to have a policy against harassment and targeting, soon lit up with calls to doxx Schmeck and destroy his family business. A liberal Twitter troll named Tom Watson helped lead the charge, calling for Schmeck to permanently lose his livelihood and endure public shaming for what basically amounted to a joke.


Funny enough, here’s Watson – before he locked down his Twitter and Instagram accounts as “private” – calling for "public anger" toward Trump and using far more explicit terms.


Watson also pointed out that Schmeck's family's electrical business received PPP government loans available to small businesses during the height of the COVID pandemic, suggesting that the government force him to repay the money.

Schmeck says he's now getting death threats from leftists incensed over his prank - proving yet again that if liberals didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.