Liberal Media Bias: The View Laugh When Schultz called Igraham 'Right Wing Slut,' Yet Sympathize with Fluke

Alicia Powe | March 6, 2012

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham spoke out about the Rush Limbaugh's controversial remarks regarding Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke on Tuesday’s Fox & Friends. 

Co-host Gretchen Carlson asked Ingraham  whether there was a double-standard when liberals use slurs against conservatives.

Ingraham then recalled when Ed Schulz called her a 'right-wing slut'. She said when  it was brought up on  ABC's The View, "Barbara Walters kind of laughed it off, like, ‘Joy, you call me that word all the time,’ and they just laughed. But when Fluke goes on yesterday, it’s ‘Oh, isn’t this a tragedy?’ and ‘Oh isn’t this horrible? Rush Limbaugh should be driven off the air.’”

The ladies of The View however were very compassionate and sympathizing of Fluke during her appearance on the show.