Left Praises Vanessa Hudgens' Documentary on Witchcraft

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | October 12, 2022
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High School Musical star turns into a witch? 

Just in time for Halloween, former Disney Channel star Vanessa Hudgens announced a new documentary to talk about her connection to the spiritual realm of witchcraft.  The doc, titled “Dead Hot: Season of the Witch,” has been propped up and celebrated in the media - yes, the same media that squash or aim to cancel celebrities who voice pro-America or pro-God stances.

The documentary is presently in post-production, but according to its description it will be an “intimate journey into the supernatural realm.” Supposedly Hudgens will be working with musician GG Magree for the “provocative” film where the pair will “embark on a pilgrimage to Salem, Massachusetts” to learn more about witches, good and evil, dark and light, and the “thin veil between the living and the dead.”

Hudgens also previously appeared on The Kelly Clarkson Show where she admitted that she likes to talk to demons "for fun." 

Sounds creepy for sure, but the left is ecstatic about it.

The website affiliate page for Perez Hilton tweeted that this documentary would “take everyone on a magical ride” with Hudgens. 

The Blast News called her announcement “conjuring up something special.”

Bunim Murray Productions President Julie Pizzi claimed that the documentary is “a lot about female empowerment.”

Of course it is.

Numerous other publications such as Us Weekly, People, Bustle, Huffpost and more raved about the new film. 

The thing is, Hudgens can do or believe whatever she wants. While witchcraft in and of itself does present issues that are antithetical to the Bible’s teaching, in recognition that not everyone believes in the teachings of the Bible, the more major issue is the bias that the media exudes when it comes to what it does and doesn’t cover. 

Take a look at The Mandalorian star Gina Corano, for example, who was fired from Disney for essentially being too religious and conservative. 

Remember J.K. Rowling? Well she’s been canceled and ridiculed for years after being named a “TERF” (trans exclusionary radical feminist) because she accepts the scientific definition of gender, and the left hates her for it. 

Related: Don’t Agree With Time Mag Lefties? You Might be a Christian Nationalist

Most recently, the left lambasted Kanye West after going on the Tucker Carlson Tonight show and talking about his pro-life and pro-God stance and how he “liked Trump” during the 2016 election.

So why is it that Hudgens can promote witchcraft, but the second someone in the public eye (or not) says something even slightly right-leaning, they are put on the cancel culture chopping block? 

It’s a true shame that the media is so biased but honestly, this is nothing new. 

I know I will NOT be tuning in to hear about Ms. Hudgens latest cauldron of lunacy.