Judiciary Committee Subpoenas Ed Officials Over Biden Admin, Leftist School Boards, Calling Parents 'Potential Terrorists'

P. Gardner Goldsmith | February 7, 2023
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After waiting more than fifteen months for the Executive Branch to voluntarily release documents pertaining to possible coordination between Biden officials and the hard-left National School Boards Association (NSBA), House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) officially subpoenaed the Department of Education on Friday, according to an exclusive report from the Daily Caller.

Chief National Correspondent Henry Rogers writes:

“According to the subpoena, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona is ‘commanded’ to produce documents before the Judiciary Committee on March 1, 2023, at 9 a.m. ET. The subpoena comes as Jordan sent four letters to various officials Friday, calling for information and interviews the committee has been requesting, in a final warning shot before he sent the subpoena their way.”

MRCTV readers will recall that in October of 2021, I reported on the fishy “open letter” NSBA high-ups sent to the Biden regime, expressing what appeared to be faux “concern” over what the professional association claimed was the potential for violence from parents who dare visit local school administration meetings to air grievances and ask questions of the people teaching their kids.

Related: 'Whistleblowers' Claim FBI DID Target Parents Upset at School Boards, Contradicting AG Garland's Testimony | MRCTV

In other words, it was a “letter” from a bunch of tax-eating bureaucrats seeking to intimidate concerned parents – and certain NSBA names I cited at the time are worth recalling today:

In what might be one of the most bleakly ironic appeals of the year, Viola Garcia and Chip Slaven, the President and Interim Executive Director, respectively, of the government-parasite-filled National School Boards Association (NSBA) on September 29 sent an open letter to Joe Biden calling on him to deploy a wide array of federal forces against parents and other taxpayers who speak out against leftist pedagogy in public schools.

I also noted that, should the Biden Justice Department respond by letting the FBI go after any parents they desired, they could – defying all constitutional strictures – employ the infamous “National Security Letter” (NSL) process on the innocent folks.

And I had the opportunity to quote the prescient words of author James Bovard, who explained that, under the Constitution-insulting PATRIOT Act:

“The biggest Patriot Act bombshell of recent times detonated last November when the Washington Post revealed that the FBI is issuing 30,000 National Security Letters (NSLs) a year. The Patriot Act made it far easier for the FBI to use NSLs to compel private citizens, banks, nonprofits, and other entities to surrender information upon demand. These subpoenas, like Section 215 searches, are accompanied by a gag order: Anyone who discloses receiving such a ‘letter’ can be sent to prison. FBI field offices issue NSLs on their own in cases that they claim involve international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities.”

And he added more choice details:

“NSLs empower the FBI to seize records on people’s earning, spending, travels, web searches, emails, and telephone calls. Each NSL can lasso the records of thousands of people. Federal judge Victor Marrero ruled that the Patriot Act’s NSL provision ‘has the effect of authorizing coercive searches effectively immune from any judicial process.’”

Months later, in January of 2022, MRCTV’s Kevin Tober wrote that the Washington Free Beacon and FoxNews had obtained a bombshell. The Biden Education Secretary actually had instigated the NSBA smear campaign targeting and maligning parents:

“Biden Education Secretary Miguel Cardona requested the National School Boards Association (NSBA) draft the infamous letter that labeled parents who protested at school boards as potential 'domestic terrorists'.”

And, although Attorney General Merrick Garland spouted unbelievable denials during the initial buzz of October, ‘21, in May of ’22, MRCTV’s Nick Kangadis followed-up the January news with a whistleblower’s report that, indeed, Biden’s Federal Bureau of Investigation had engaged in “investigations” of concerned parents, under the Star Chamber accusation that they might be “domestic terror threats.”

Related: National School Boards Association Freefalls After Labeling Parents 'Terrorists' | MRCTV

Now, Jordan has had enough. About the subpoena and Jordan’s “warning shot” letters, Daily Caller’s Rogers writes:

“The Daily Caller first obtained the (Jordan) letters, which were sent to Chip Slaven, former Interim Executive Director and CEO of the National School Boards Association; Nina Jankowicz, former leader of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) “Disinformation Governance Board;” Viola Garcia with the National School Boards Association, and Jennifer Moore, the Executive Assistant Director for the Human Resources Branch at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).”

Rogers adds:

“In the letters, Jordan accuses each official of ignoring requests for transcribed interviews, as well as not providing the committee with the documents and information they previously requested. Jordan gives the officials one last chance to come before the committee before sending subpoenas to the officials.”

Curiously, the left-dominated pop “news” media aren’t up in arms over all of the Biden Administration and NSBA delays and intransigence. But Rogers offers valuable details:

“Cardona allegedly solicited a letter from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) likening parents to domestic terrorists, according to emails obtained by Parents Defending Education (PDE). The letter reportedly advocated for federal investigators to monitor and intervene in activities by concerned parents, PDE emails showed. After the letter was publicized, the NBSA (sic) sent out a memo to members saying, ‘We regret and apologize for the letter.’”

Sure they do.

How much corruption is too much when it comes to pushing the leftist ideology that the old guard media seem so fervently to adore?

Thus far, the answer is: there is no such thing as too much leftist propaganda and spending, even when it’s directed to intimidate innocent people.

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