Jen Psaki Mocks Reporter For Asking About Keystone Pipeline Jobs Lost

Brittany M. Hughes | February 8, 2021

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki apparently doesn’t take much very seriously – including, as it turns out, the welfare and livelihoods of thousands of blue-collar American workers.

After first catching flak for openly mocking the men and women Space Force, then jesting about her habitual inability to answer reporters’ questions, Psaki took a turn at snubbing the American workers who lost their jobs thanks to President Joe Biden’s executive order halting the Keystone Pipeline.

The moment came during an exchange Monday with Fox News’ Peter Doocy, who asked where these laid-off workers could go to find the “green jobs” Biden promised would come as a result of the pipeline being canceled – and when.

“That is something the administration has promised and there is now a gap so I’m just curious when that happens, when those people can count on that?” Doocy asked.

“Well, I’d certainly welcome you to present your data of all the thousands and thousands of people who won’t be getting a green job,” Psaki retorted. “Maybe next time you’re here you can present that.”

Psaki has in the past said that when it comes to creating green jobs to offset the ones he just killed, Biden “has every plan to share more details on that plan in the weeks ahead.”

Of course, if it’s anything like Biden’s “plan” to defeat the coronavirus, it seems those Americans left waiting for answers shouldn’t hold their breath.