Pamela Geller Deserves to Die, Radical Imam Tells Hannity

Ben Graham | May 7, 2015

London-based imam Anjem Choudary is known for his outspoken radical beliefs. He defends jihadists while both insulting and threatening America. Many wonder why he is given any airtime, but Hannity believes that the American people need to see just how twisted and unrepentant radical Muslims are.

Hannity discussed the attack on a cartooning event in Garland, Texas. ISIS claims credit for the attack and warns that more attacks are in the works. The safety of Pamela Geller, head of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and organizer of the now infamous event, is threatened by an ISIS that there's a bounty upon Geller's life. Though no federal protection has been offered to her, she has hired a security team to protect her

In this clip, Hannity invited both Geller and the imam to speak about the event and the repercussions of the attack. While the whole conversation is disturbing, there are a few choice quotes from Choudary that are particularly frightening.

Choudary believes that the entire world should be governed by Sharia law. He says that, according to “divine law,” Geller should be put to death because she solicited pictures to insult his prophet while knowing full-well that it was against the tenets of Islam.

In a chilling statement, Choudary says, “She should be put before a Sharia court, be tried, be found guilty and, of course, face capital punishment.” Hannity forcefully reminds the imam that Geller is NOT a Muslim. Choudary doesn’t care. He says, “It makes no difference. She should have thought of that before she had this competition.”

Geller refused to be sit back and allow the imam to condemn her to an unjust death. She passionately defended herself and the rights of the American people - especially, the right to freedom of expression.

See the rattling conversation below: