Happy Hanukkah??? New York Times Crossword Puzzle Includes 'Swastika' on First Day of Hanukkah

Nick Kangadis | December 19, 2022
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Communists are stupid, even the “educated” ones. That’s why it should come as no surprise that the New York Times used a pattern in their famous crossword puzzle on Monday to look like it included a swastika. While that’s “no surprise,” what is was the NYT’s timing — the first day of Hanukkah.

The crazy part is that it’s not even subtle.


(Image: Screenshot/YouTube)

Holy Nazi, Batman! If that doesn’t look like a swastika could fit in there, then I don’t know what does.

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According to the New York Post:

The fraught Sunday brain-teaser, titled “Some Theme’s Missing,” had been concocted by Washington, DC-based consulting manager Ryan McCarty, who has formulated 22 other puzzles for the paper.

“Thrilled to have my first Sunday puzzle in The Times! This grid features one of my favorite open middles that I’ve made as it pulls from a variety of subject areas,” McCarty gushed in a section of the paper titled Constructor Notes.

There’s really not that much to say except the establishment communist media never ceases to amaze. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, here comes the left with a whole new level of hate.


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