Hand-Wringing Juan Williams Frets Trump ‘Could Refuse To Leave’ If He Loses In 2020

Brittany M. Hughes | March 5, 2019

Fox News analyst (and apparently conspiracy theorist?) Juan Williams on Twitter Monday night fretted that President Trump could actually refuse to leave the White House if he loses his bid for a second term in 2020, suggesting the president’s supporters would actually support him in refusing to vacate the Oval Office.

In an op-ed published by The Hill dependent on quotes from convicted felon and serial liar Michael Cohen and bolstered by “evidence” from hack conspiracy theories made by far-right 21-year-old activist Jacob Wohl, Williams argued that it’s “not outside the realm of possibility” that Trump could actually deny his own defeat in 2020 if he loses to the Democratic nominee.

In his op-ed, Williams fretted that “Trump has succeeded in using social media to open a Pandora’s Box of racism, hatred, paranoia, conspiracy-mongering, and rejection of the legitimacy of major American institutions, from the courts to the CIA.”

“It is no longer outside the realm of possibility that Trump could refuse to leave if he loses the 2020 election,” Williams argued. “And if he does not accept an election defeat — a scenario he threatened in 2016 — he will have a virtual army on social media to defend him.Where does this stop?”

Suffice it to say, Twttter was not impressed with this argument. In an avalanche of some 22,000 responses to the story’s mere 1,400 “likes,” social media users blasted the news commentator for pulling exactly what he just spent 500 words accusing Trump of doing – spreading wacky conspiracy theories based on absolutely nothing.

With not a lot of due respect, Juan, perhaps it’s not Trump and his supporters who’re having trouble accepting election results.