German Teenager Who Fled Home to Join ISIS Gets Captured in Mosul

Bryan Michalek | August 8, 2017

A video has surfaced showing Linda Wenzel, the German teenager who fled her home to join ISIS, being captured by Iraqi forces in the recently liberated city of Mosul.

The video, which is available on Daily Mail, shows the young teenager being escorted to a makeshift prison while appearing disoriented, possibly due to injuries sustained during the fight to liberate the city. 

Wenzel fled her hometown in Pulsnitz, Germany when she was 15 to join the terror group ISIS. She disappeared from her home in 2016 and caught a flight to Istanbul, where she was then smuggled into Syria where she joined up with ISIS. She married a Chechan fighter who was later killed during the fight for Mosul. 

Now, Wenzel is being investigated by Iraqi authorities and faces a theoretical death sentence under Iraq's counter-terrorism laws. Germany is reportedly in talks with Iraq to extradite the teenager back home, where she would face a much more lenient sentence. 

According to The Daily Caller, Wenzel was found with a baby boy who was malnourished and transeferred to an army clinic for treatment before the two were taken to Baghdad. Reports also suggest that she was firing at Iraqi forces before being captured, and that three woman who were with her claim she had been manning a weapon from her hideout.

Daily Caller also claimed that there are conflicting reports of Wenzels feelings on the situation. Initial reports claimed that the young ISIS bride had said, "I just want to get away from here," and "I want to get away from the war, from the many weapons, from the noise." But she is also said to have been extremely resistant toward recieving any help. According to an ISOF soldier who spoke with the Times used the words "unrepetant" and "uncooperative."

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