Game Over? Sony PlayStation Now Offering 'Free' #BlackLivesMatter 'Movement' Theme

Nick Kangadis | October 21, 2020

It’s getting really old to have people continuously tell others whose lives matter. If you don’t think that everyone’s life matters, then I have nothing to say to you. The Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization seemingly doesn’t even believe that ALL black lives matter. If they did, we’d see more of them on the South and West sides of Chicago, in St. Louis and in Baltimore holding those cities leftist leaderships to account for their negligence in the genocide of black people. But, as long as it’s the rare occasion of a cop shooting an unarmed black man, then they care. Gotta push those narratives.

Yet another entertainment has jumped aboard the trendy “Black Lives Matter” train, but used very specific language so that they don’t appear to support the organization.

The Sony PlayStation video game console store is now offering a free #BlackLivesMatter theme for users system layouts.

Here’s the announcement from PlayStation’s Facebook page:


Show your support for the #BlackLivesMatter movement with this new PS4 theme, out now for free at PS Store.

Posted by PlayStation on Monday, October 19, 2020

Notice how they used the term “movement” instead of organization. The problem with that is the organization guides the movement, as evidenced by the giant communist fist prominently displayed in the new theme. If the movement was separate the organization, then why would the movement use the same colors as the organization? Probably because they want the attention the organization gets, but without all that messy Marxism.

With the PlayStation 5 set to be released in November, it’ll be interesting to see how wokeness contributes to Sony’s bottom line should they be as overt with their activism or their catering to activists. It's probably not "game over" for the gaming giant, but it can't help to continually alienate a large portion of your consumer base.