The Funniest Celebrity in Washington Contest

Stephen Gutowski | December 3, 2010

Last night I went to the 17th annual Funniest Celebrity in Washington Contest and took some video of the action. The event was surprisingly good... not necessarily because it was the funniest thing I've ever seen but more because it was the least pretentious event I've been to inside the beltway. Anyway, check out some of these routines and see if you end up rolling on the floor laughing. (Caution: some language and inappropriate jokes)

Mary Katharine Ham of The Daily Caller

Jason Mattera of Human Events

Mike Riggs of The Daily Caller

Chris Plante of WMAL

Al Regnery of The American Spectator

UPDATE: By the way White House speechwriter Jon Lovett was the winner of the contest. Jim Treacher has the video of his act over at the Daily Caller.