‘Freedom Kids’ Sing ‘Official Donald Trump Jam’ at Rally

ashley.rae | January 15, 2016

The way Donald Trump was introduced at his Jan. 13 rally in Pensacola, Fla., has many people asking, “Are you serious?”

The cheerleaders, named the “USA Freedom Kids,” sang what has been dubbed the “Official Donald Trump Jam.”

The lyrics include:

Cowardice? Are you serious?

Apologies for freedom? I can’t handle this!

When freedom rings, answer the call!

On your feet, stand up tall!

Freedom’s on our shoulders! USA!

Enemies of freedom, face the music!

Come on boys, take them down!

The YouTube video of the cheerleaders has over 2 million views. It has garnered just 3,000 "likes," but over 18,000 "dislikes."

Jeff Popick, the individual who penned the song, told TIME that he originally wrote the song to honor Gen. George Patton, but modernized the song for Trump.