Florida Trump Supporters Hold Massive Boat Parade, President Responds

Nick Kangadis | May 4, 2020

In somewhat of a show of defiance on Sunday, a pro-Trump boat parade was held on the Intercoastal Waterway from Jupiter, Florida to Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach on Sunday. Incredibly, there were reportedly around 1,200 boats that participated to show their support for President Donald Trump, to which the president responded with his thanks.

The organizer of the event was 53-year-old Jupiter resident, Carlos Gavidia. The Palm Beach Post reported that Gavidia put the event together after a neighbor complained about his use of a Trump flag.

Here's video of different parts of the parade:


"When the boat got wrapped there was some mixed feelings but more people were cheering me on,” Gavidia said. "I know people who trailored their boats from Daytona Beach to participate today."

Trump responded to the parade on Twitter, telling supporters that he "will never let you down!"