Elizabeth Warren Gets Her Own Action Figure

ashley.rae | June 7, 2017

(Image source: Kickstarter)

Progressive darling Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is getting her own action figure.

Thanks to the “Elizabeth Warren Action Figure” Kickstarter campaign, which has raised approximately $51,000 — significantly more than its $15,000 goal — you, too, can act out the moment Warren became an icon of the “#Resistance” for being told, “Nevertheless, she persisted.”

The Warren figure includes a “fist to fight for the middle class,” a “power blazer to topple the patriarchy,” and “prescription glasses to see through the GOP’s bull” (with a pooping emoji):

(Image source: Kickstarter)

The creators of the action figure have also created figurines for former President Obama, Sen. Bernie Sanders, former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and an “evil” President Trump.

The Obama action figure allegedly raised over $10,000 for the Obama campaign and the DNC in 2008, while the Sanders and Clinton figurines raised money for their respective campaigns.

With the Warren action figure, the Kickstarter creators say they hope to partner with Emily's List, an organization dedicated to electing pro-abortion Democratic women.

Backers of the Kickstarter can receive their own action figure by donating $19. By donating $39, backers can receive two Warren figurines -- one of Warren and Sanders, or one of Warren and Clinton. By donating $59, backers will receive an action figure trio of Warren, Clinton, and Bernie.

The $75 “kitchen sink” includes a Warren figurine, a Bernie figurine, a Clinton figurine, and an “evil Trump” that appears to show him flipping the bird. The ultimate $99 donation will get you six Warren action figures — for whatever reason.

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