Elitist Celebs Record ‘I Will Survive’ Pre-Trump Inauguration

Brittany M. Hughes | January 12, 2017

Rather than recognize that their own elitist, out-of-touch propagandizing played an Oscar-worthy role in helping Donald Trump win the presidency, self-important celebrities have doubled down on their well-publicized hatred toward the president-elect and their grief over their own dethroned liberal royalty.

The election season brought a bevy of star-studded (and profanity-laced) videos featuring celebrities stumping for Hillary Clinton, like this one. And then this one. And this one.

Post-election, desperate celebs created this video urging members of the Electoral College to ignore the will of their citizens and vote against Trump, which pretty much went over like a lead balloon.

Townhall even published a pretty hilarious rebuttal of their own in response to Hollywood’s endless, nauseating lectures.

In the latest episode of Billion Dollar Butthurt, several notable celebs (including Amy Adams, Emma Stone, Andrew Garfield and some other people I didn't recognize nor cared about enough to look up) recorded a rather offensively out-of-tune rendition of Gloria Gaynor’s ‘70s disco classic, “I Will Survive.” The resulting vocal dumpster fire was then published by W Magazine on Wednesday, and the rest of the country proceeded to not care.

Except for the Huffington Post. Because...well, duh.

The ear-splitting cover, sung simultaneously in the keys of A, C, D sharp and E minor, sticks to Gloria’s original lyrics and never explicitly mentions Trump. However, W Magazine did note quite openly:

While the song has long been interpreted through a socially conscious lens, it's the kind of anthem we need now more than ever with the inauguration bearing down on us. With an impending Donald Trump presidency, I will survive.

W Mag notes that the all-out assault on the public’s collective eardrum is simply “the antidote for a still-grieving Hollywood, many members of which were outspoken Hillary Clinton supporters over the past year — and a few of whom have found themselves on the unfriendly end of Donald Trump's Twitter account."

Excuse me while I laugh so hard I cry. For those of you without a gag reflex, check out this mess for yourself.

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