Dr. Carson On NYPD Killing: ‘The Community Has To Recognize That A Thug Is A Thug’

Monica Sanchez | December 23, 2014

Last night on Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor,” Dr. Ben Carson discussed the assassination-style execution of two NYPD officers last week and growing anti-police sentiment.

“I believe it would be a very wise idea to start talking about the good that the police did,” Carson said. “We can find bad things about anybody. If we just emphasize the bad all the time, it’s called demonization.”

The potential 2016 Presidential candidate emphasized how the police do a great amount of good to ensure that American citizens feel safe and protected on the streets and at home.

“Of course there are bad apples in just about any group, but for the most part, our lives are made much better by the police in every community.”

Dr. Carson noted that if we continue “piling on the police,” they may become more “tentative” in how they handle job situations, which would just put more people in danger.  

"If we keep piling on the police, we make them somewhat tentative in the way that they deal with situations," Carson reasoned. "That actually will put more of us in jeopardy. We want the police to be out there. We want them to feel that they will be backed up when they use their best judgment."

As a partial yet inherent solution to the problem, Dr. Carson argued,

“The community has to recognize that a thug is a thug. When people do bad things, there are consequences.”

“It’s very disingenuous when you take someone who is doing illegal things and turn them into a hero. What message does that send?” Dr. Carson asked. 

Watch the rest of what he has to say above.