Uncensored 'N-Word' Sign Displayed On-Air by CNN's Don Lemon, Provoking Backlash

Ben Graham | June 23, 2015

CNN’s Don Lemon was lit ablaze by folks on twitter who were offended by his question of “does this offend you?” But it wasn’t necessarily the question that stoked the fire, it was his visual representation of what his question entailed.

He first held up a confederate flag asking “is it a symbol of southern pride or a symbol of hate?” The sign he held up next not only built the coffin he would soon be laying in, he also dug the grave. All because of one word. The sign he held on live television said “N****R”, completely uncensored.

He held the sign up and told viewers of how shocked people were by President Obama’s use of the controversial term in a viral podcast interview. How did he not expect to do some shocking of his own with such a stunt?

Take a look at the video below, along with a small menagerie of tweets that charred the remains of Mr. Lemon: