DNC Chair: 'U.S.-Israel Relationship Has Never Been Stronger' Despite Snub

Ben Graham | March 18, 2015

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz appeared with Wolf Blitzer and said that the relationship between the U.S. and Israel has never been stronger - even though the administration refused to even congratulate Netanyahu for his victory in this week's election.

Blitzer begins the conversation by asking, “Their relationship is awful, right?”

BLITZER: “U.S./Israeli relations -- the relationship between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu, pretty awful right now, right?”

SCHULTZ: “Well, I think you have to remember that regardless of the personalities involved, the U.S./Israel relationship remains as strong if not stronger than ever. In fact, when the prime minister spoke before the joint session of Congress a couple of weeks ago, he emphasized how appreciative he was of President Obama’s leadership, his support for Israel. So, no, I don’t think -- on the contrary, I think the U.S./Israel relationship has never been stronger...“

Blitzer didn't buy it - and cited other examples of just how bad the relationship is between Obama and Netanyahu. But, she stands firm in her denial saying that they are "two separate issues."

BLITZER: “Let’s take a look at it. The president of the United States refuses to even meet with the prime minister who comes to Washington. I don’t know if that’s ever happened before. They don’t even talk to each other right now. A lot of your Democratic colleagues, members of the United States -- one of your predecessors, Senator Kaine of Virginia, former chair of the Democratic party, he boycotts the invitation. He doesn’t even go to that meeting when the prime minister is speaking. That’s pretty awful, right?”

SCHULTZ: “Two separate issues.”