Disgraceful! Sen. Ed Markey Wants to 'Disarm' Police Officers of 'Weapons of War' & Non-Lethal Tools

Nick Kangadis | September 15, 2020

Socialist Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) basically wants to leave police officers across the country defenseless. Short of completely defunding police departments, far-left politicians seem to be calling for the removal of almost everything that would help officers in the face of violent rioters masquerading as “peaceful protesters.”

Markey posted the following to Twitter days after news surfaced that activist Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler banned the use of tear gas by police even though there has been more than 100 days of ongoing riots in the city he’s supposed to serve:

It’s not clear if Markey is aware that he lives in the U.S. and serves Americans, but this isn’t the U.K. where police officers have been unarmed.

Notice how Markey said, “We must disarm these officers.” Who’s going to disarm them? Is Markey going to send in the National Guard to battle with local officers? Surely Markey lacks the backbone to physically do anything about it himself.

Whether Markey is aware of it or not — whether he understands that he stands against the Constitution or not — we have a little thing called the Second Amendment in this country. So while Markey would seemingly like to see police officers left defenseless, the criminals that the far-left likes to let out of jail so willingly will remain armed. If things like what Markey is calling for come to fruition, this won't stop at the disarmament of police.

H/T: Breitbart