Devin Nunes Says Adam Schiff Investigating Trump Admin. Under Guise of Looking into Rioters

Nick Kangadis | September 1, 2020

Ugh, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.). Just bringing up his name induces a guttural sickness that only someone as routinely full of bull excrement as Schiff usually seems to be can induce. Violence and unrest across the country? It must be Trump’s fault. Riots continue to get out of hand on a nightly basis with local politicians doing nothing to stop it? Trump. No one is on Schiff’s mind more than President Donald Trump, and it shows.

According to an interview with Breitbart, House Intelligence Committee ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told the outlet that instead of Schiff focusing the committee’s investigations into whether or not local and state authorities and politicians are doing what they can to stem the rioting and violence plaguing specific cities, Schiff is investigating whether or not the tactics that the Trump administration has used or not used in attempting to stem the unrest are legal or not.

Here’s part of what Nunes told Breitbart:

They’re running an investigation from the Intelligence Committee, which has become the impeachment committee, on the situation that happened up in Seattle and Portland. But guess what? They’re running the investigation to see what federal assets did the Trump administration use and was it legal or not to keep the peace in the Pacific Northwest. So they are going to hold hearings, but they’re basically holding hearings to condemn the Trump administration for trying to save Americans’ lives and save Americans’ property and save us from all this looting and rioting and trying to keep under somewhat of some civil discourse here. So, they’re having hearings alright, but for the opposite reason.

Schiff seems determined to find something, anything that he can tie to the Trump administration in order to eventually remove Trump from office — which Schiff has been hellbent on pretty much since day one of the administration.

Nunes also called out the radical media and leftist politicians for their willful ignorance of the violence and rioting across the U.S., as well as their part in possibly making the situation worse.

“We’re lucky, the other night— I was there at the White House the other night. We are damn lucky that no one was killed. That was really, really close to somebody being killed,” Nunes said. “So, the media is doing the poisoning for this socialist party — let’s just call it what it is, the Democratic Party no longer exists anymore…”

For Nunes’ full comments, click here.