Dem Rep Jan Schakowsky Confronted Over Obamacare

Stephen Gutowski | October 11, 2010

Liberal Democratic rep Jan Schakowsky recently attended a candidates forum where some conservative bloggers from and confronted her over the constitutionality of Obamacare. Schakowsky was a bit less than receptive to the questions asked by SharpElbows and FoundingBloggers. Here's their preview of the exchange (h/t Hot Air):

The one attempt at an answer Schakowsky is a new liberal staple which I've always found to be completely absurd. Basically she can't possibly justify the constitutionality of forcing people to purchase health insurance so she falls back on the fact that, um, lots of other programs she likes probably aren't constitutional either. Yet she, and many of the other liberals who employ this same defense, somehow feels this is a satisfactory response to the question.

Its a lot like if I were accused of murdering a hobo and in my defense I said "no, I didn't just murder that hobo, I actually murdered a train yard full of hobos! So don't you and your accusation seem foolish now?!?!". It's the classic train-yard-full-of-dead-hobos defense and its insane. Completely insane.