De Blasio Outraged That Domino’s ‘Exploited’ Customers on NYE with Higher Pizza Prices

Monica Sanchez | January 1, 2020

New York City Mayor and failed 2020 Democratic hopeful Bill de Blasio is outraged at Domino’s Pizza for apparently having “exploited” customers in Times Square on New Year’s Eve.

De Blasio on Wednesday chastised the pizza chain for “jacking up” its prices for the occasion and called on Times Square visitors to “stick it to” Domino’s by “patronizing one of our fantastic LOCAL pizzerias.”

“Jacking up your prices on people trying to celebrate the holidays? Classy, @dominos,” de Blasio wrote on Twitter. “To the thousands who came to Times Square last night to ring in 2020, I’m sorry this corporate chain exploited you — stick it to them by patronizing one of our fantastic LOCAL pizzerias.”

The New York City mayor tweeted a photo of a story by the New York Post, which reported that “an enterprising Midtown Domino’s pizza restaurant” was “hawking pies to ravenous New Year’s Eve revelers and flipping them for a serious profit.”

The store reportedly was hawking pizzas for $30, “nearly double what a regular $14.49 large cheese pie costs at Domino’s,” wrote the New York Post.

While De Blasio was absolutely appalled, NYE Times Square spectators who were camped out in the cold for hours on end saw the hawking as a godsend and said purchasing the pizzas at a higher price was “absolutely worth it.”

“It’s absolutely worth it. It was hot. It seems like it just came out of the oven,” said spectator Amit Zanwar. “If he comes back, I will buy some more.”

“He probably sold about seven pizzas in less than two minutes,” said another spectator named Francisco Patalano, praising the business move.

“It was totally worth it,” he added.

It's called supply-and-demand. Someone tell De Blasio it’s not that serious.

And chances are that people who go to Times Square or go out for New Year’s Eve in general know nothing – not food, not venue, not entertainment – will be cheap.

(Cover photo features photos by Gage Skidmore via Flickr; Bruno Bueno via Pexels)