CBS’s ‘FBI: Most Wanted’ Pushes Anti-Capital Punishment Agenda, Shockingly Portrays Christianity in Positive Light

Dawn Slusher | April 26, 2024

With pro-abortion propaganda so heavily pushed in Hollywood since Roe’s overturning, it’s been awhile since they took on another important pro-life issue, the death penalty. But that changed on the latest episode of "FBI: Most Wanted" when they made their position quite obvious with their usual tactic of heavily dramatizing the rarest cases to play on viewers’ heartstrings.

As a pro-life, Christian conservative, I am conflicted on the issue. Capital punishment was permitted in the Bible, and I understand it can be a strong deterrent, thus saving lives. Murderers aren’t innocent like pre-born babies, either. They make a conscious decision to risk their life via the death penalty when they take a life.

However, as demonstrated in the episode “Bonne Terre,” there are instances when innocent people are killed. Though rare, it’s still concerning, because even one innocent life ended is one too many.  

Not surprisingly, the show made it into a right versus left issue, stating Missouri is a “conservative state.” So, of course the judges haven’t cared that Emmett (Benny Elledge), the man falsely convicted, has a limited mental capacity due to a traumatic brain injury and recanted his coerced confession made without a lawyer present.

His new lawyer Abby (Susan Misner) explains the dire situation to FBI agents Remy (Dylan McDermott) and Hana (Keisha Castle-Hughes) who are working to solve three new murders possibly connected to Emmett’s case:


Even AI notices the agenda, as the system the MRC uses automatically suggested the title, “Murder and Injustice in a Conservative State” for this clip.

With time running out, Hana rushes to find more evidence in the hopes of proving Emmett’s innocence. Abby and Remy stay back with Emmett, whose child-like demeanor makes him a very sympathetic character - propaganda at its finest:


I’m sure the writers thought viewers would marvel over the “profound” quote and maybe even be swayed to become anti-capital punishment if they weren’t already. Except the point of the death penalty isn’t to prove anything. It’s to deter people from committing murder and to provide justice for victims.

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Despite finding mountains of evidence proving Emmett’s innocence, including capturing the real killer Curt Rowan (Nicholas Michael McGovern) and finding the second body which has foreign DNA inside of it that doesn’t match Emmett’s, the judge still refuses to stay his execution. Of course. Dang those mean, old conservatives!

In an unexpected turn, however, the show portrayed a Catholic priest positively and handled the quoting of Scripture respectfully. Quite shocking considering Hollywood’s long record of bashing Christians and Christianity:


Perhaps Hollywood is hoping to appeal to Christians who support the death penalty, so they were smart enough not to offend them this time.

After failing to place an IV in Emmett because his veins are small and difficult, the warden announces they’re doing a “cutdown” procedure, seemingly without anesthesia. The procedure makes Emmett scream even louder in agony and fear as his mother and a sister to one of the victims wait with frustration in the gallery:


When Rowan’s DNA comes back as matching the foreign DNA in the second victim, Remy and Abby call the governor to appeal for clemency:


As a mom of a grown son who will always be my baby boy, I have to admit that scene hit hard. That’s what Hollywood’s “propaganda machine” is supposed to do.

However, since innocent people have been wrongly executed, it’s a valid concern. It just would be nice if Hollywood would entertain without politics. But we all know that’s a lost cause.

Kudos, though, for showing that prayers can be answered miraculously just when we least expect it. But don’t think Christians will soon forget how they’ve been treated by Hollywood.


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