Crowder Returns with 'Big' Claim: 'Big Tech is in Bed with Big Con[servatism]'

Nick Kangadis | January 17, 2023
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The wait for conservative talk show host Steven Crowder’s return to video platforms ended Tuesday afternoon following a Monday tweet in which he claimed he was “done being quiet.”

Not many could figure out what Crowder’s message might be since he announced he and his show “Louder with Crowder” would be leaving The Blaze following his Christmas episode.

However, within two hours of him dropping a video titled “It’s time to stop…,” over 130,000 YouTube users and over 52,000 Rumble users watched his nearly 28-minute video message.

Crowder adjusted his aim at what he called “Big Con,” or Big Conservatism, working in concert with Big Tech to censor their own people, and he felt that it was past due to address the problem.

Related: Coincidence? YouTube Suspends Steven Crowder's Channel Until After Midterms

We thought that [the conservative movement] were all taking it to Big Tech. But too many of those in charge of the big conservative platforms are verifiably in bed with them. Big Tech is in bed with Big Con. The people you thought, the people I thought were fighting for you, a lot of it has been a big con.

Crowder did say, however, that this doesn’t mean he’s not a conservative himself, but felt it necessary to call out those that claim to be conservative and fighting “Big Tech” — without calling out specific names — who weren’t really fighting Big Tech the way they should’ve been all along.

Everything that I ever stood for, I’m standing for now. It’s precisely because I believe what I say that I’m doing this. And by the way, too many of these people aren’t our friends. So this is the last call to those conservative businesses in on the big con, you have a chance. Join me in making this right. You know you’ve lost your way. It’s never too late to correct the course. We can all work together and fix this. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Throughout the video, not only did Crowder provide an email for conservative content creators to reach out to him in the case he might be able to possibly help them avoid “the big con,” but he also listed a website in which people in general could sign up using their emails if they’re tired of “Big Conservatism” running roughshod over the entire movement and the people they employ through overbearing contracts,

For Crowder’s full comments, watch below:



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