Coulter: 'If You Don't Want to be Killed by a Mexican, There's Nothing I Can Tell You'

Ben Graham | May 28, 2015

In an obviously contentious interview, Ann Coulter explodes when asked about her views on immigration. The interviewer, Jorge Ramos, asked her to clarify a line in her new book “¡Adios America!” in which she says “Americans should fear immigrants more than ISIS.” She exclaims “Yes!”

Ramos says “Most Immigrants are not terrorists or criminals. No one is biologically predisposed to commit a crime.”

She responds, visibly frustrated, “I have a tip. If you don’t want to be killed by ISIS, don’t go to Syria. If you don’t want to be killed by a Mexican, there’s nothing I can tell you. Very easy to not be killed by ISIS, just don’t fly to Syria.”

Ramos is flabbergasted, “Do you really think people are biologically predisposed to commit crimes?”

“No,” Coulter says “There are cultures that are obviously deficient and if they weren’t deficient you wouldn’t be sitting in America interviewing me, I’d be sitting in Mexico. You fled that culture because there are a lot of problems with that culture. Hopefully it can be changed, but we can share our culture with other nations without bringing all of their people here.”

“America is the best in the world and we are about to lose that.”