Clinton Spokesman: ‘Hell No,’ Hillary Will Not Apologize to Trump for ISIS Propaganda Claim

Monica Sanchez | December 21, 2015

Image via Twitter

Following the Democratic debate Saturday night, Republican front-runner Donald Trump took to Twitter demanding that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issue an apology for calling him "ISIS's best recruiter" and alleging that ISIS is using videos of him "to recruit more radical jihadists."

In an interview on CNN Monday afternoon, Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said “hell no” to any such apology. 

Fallon argued instead that Trump should be the one apologizing for his “hateful rhetoric.”

“Hell no,” he said. “Hillary Clinton will not be apologizing to Donald Trump for correctly pointing out how his hateful rhetoric only helps ISIS recruit more terrorists.”

Whether Clinton will issue a personal response remains to be seen but is highly unlikely given her track record for transparency.