Climate Twerkers Are Back - This Time, Outside D.C.'s Trump Tower

Brittany M. Hughes | September 27, 2019

In the Jobless March 2.0, climate change alarmists are now protesting – and “twerking” – outside Trump Tower in D.C., shutting down traffic and screaming into megaphones.

On top of that, the guy who went viral during Monday's protest for twerking in ultra-short shorts was back, having once again been unable to find gainful employment as a fry cook or a bead-maker or something. Anything. 

Townhall’s Julio Rosas posted some footage of protesters obstructing traffic and screaming about our imminent doom:

This young lady called for impeaching Donald Trump because we’ve apparently only got 11 years left before we’re all dead from global warming.

This guy, on the other hand, was back to doing the Unemployed Booty Shake. You know, for the planet.