‘This Church Teaches Hate’ : Pro-Abortion Activists Disrespect The 'Respect Life' Mass

Eric Scheiner | January 25, 2021

Pro-abortion protesters gave no respect to the “Respect Life Mass” at St. Joseph’s Cathedral in downtown Columbus, Ohio on Friday.



The prayer event marked the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

“Two, four, six, eight, this church teaches hate,” the protesters shouted, while carrying signs that read “Abortion on Demand. End Hyde Now.” 

According to the Columbus Dispatch:

Protesters were escorted out by police and diocese officials after they marched through the sanctuary shouting about abortion rights being under attack and holding signs such as 'fund abortion not cops.'

The Biden administration marked the anniversary of  Roe v. Wade on Friday, by announcing they are “committed to codifying” the abortion decision.