Caitlyn Jenner Reaffirms Transgender Athlete Position: 'It's an Issue of Fairness'

Libby | May 28, 2021

Yesterday, Caitlyn Jenner made another stand for women’s sports as an issue of “fairness.”

A Republican gubernatorial candidate challenging California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), Jenner posted a video, which appears to show a runner blowing by a group of female runners in a race. 

Along with the video, Jenner stated, “I stand by my statement that biological boys should not compete in girls sports.”

The candidate continued, “It’s an issue of fairness.”

Jenner’s stance may come as a surprise as a biological male now identifying as female, also having competed as a male against other males in the 1972 and 1976 Olympic Games.

“We need to protect girls’ sports in our schools,” Jenner said in another tweet.

Though the gubernatorial hopeful’s position contrasts with Newsom’s, who’s in full favor of letting transgender athletes compete based on gender identity, Jenner’s stance has a catch.

That is, those who are “truly trans” can compete with their gender identity rather than their biological sex.

“Trans women, who are truly trans, who at a very young age, you know, started proper medical treatment, they’ve grown up as girls,” the candidate told Fox News’ America’s Newsroom, according to the Daily Caller. “Of course they should be able to compete in girls’ sports.”

Jenner also noted that the transgender athlete conversation is “such a small issue” given how few instances in practice actually occur.

Echoing the low importance of the topic, the candidate opined: “CA HAS WAY BIGGER ISSUES!”

H/T: Daily Caller