Blacks Blame Racism, Not Obama for Dems' Midterm Defeat

danjoseph | November 10, 2014

Following the Democrats stunning electoral defeat last Tuesday, I wanted to find out why African Americans thought the nation had delivered such a stark rebuke of President Obama’s leadership and policies when they went to the polls.

"Because of the color of his skin. I’m just gonna’ go there," one woman told me.

African Americans are one of the most important parts of the Democratic Party’s voter base.  Typically anywhere from 85% to 95% of blacks cast their ballots for Democrats in almost every election.  They are also the Democratic constituency that has remained the most loyal to President Obama.

So it may not surprise many that, like all Democrats these days, African Americans are trying to find ways to absolve president Obama from responsibility for last Tuesday’s shellacking at the polls.

What I learned was that many African Americans view racism against the president as the real reason that American voters decided to give the GOP control of the Senate. 

Shocker, right?

Blaming racial animosity against Obama for the President’s failings has been commonplace among American blacks throughout Obama’s presidency - though one woman told me there's plenty of blame to go around.

"Everybody is racist," she declared.