Biden Regime Indefinitely Blocking 16 Mil. Acres of Alaskan Land, Water from 'Future Fossil Fuel Drilling'

Nick Kangadis | March 14, 2023
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In case you missed it, and judging by the timing of the announcement President Joe Biden’s regime clearly didn’t want you to know much about, but the Biden regime is now “indefinitely blocking” Alaskan land and water “from future fossil fuel drilling,” according to Fox News.

That’s just great. Let’s take one of the U.S.’s most oil rich regions and prohibit ourselves from using it, all because some elitist climate alarmists want to play God with the weather.

According to a Sunday press release from the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI):

Using his authority under Section 12(a) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, President Biden is withdrawing approximately 2.8 million acres of the Beaufort Sea in the Arctic Ocean nearshore in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A) as indefinitely off limits for future oil and gas leasing. Today’s withdrawal ensures this important habitat for whales, seals, polar bears, as well as for subsistence purposes, will be protected in perpetuity from extractive development. It also completes protections for the entire Beaufort Sea Planning Area, building upon President Obama’s 2016 withdrawal of the Chukchi Sea Planning Area and the majority of the Beaufort Sea. The withdrawal provides additional protections for Teshekpuk Lake, guarding against the potential that future Beaufort Sea oil and gas developments would seek to build onshore pipeline infrastructure into the NPR-A. A federal oil and gas lease sale has not been held in the Arctic Ocean since 2007.

The Interior Department is also initiating a rulemaking to establish maximum protection for ecologically sensitive, designated Special Areas in the NPR-A. The proposed rule, which will be available for public comment in the coming months, will consider additional protections for the more than 13 million acres within the reserve designated as Special Areas in recognition of their significant natural and historical values. The administration intends to propose to limit future oil and gas leasing and industrial development in the Teshekpuk Lake, Utukok Uplands, Colville River, Kasegaluk Lagoon, and Peard Bay Special Areas – places collectively known for their globally significant intact habitat for wildlife, including grizzly and polar bears, caribou, and hundreds of thousands of migratory birds. The proposed rulemaking would help protect subsistence uses in the NPR-A, responding to Alaska Native communities who have relied on the land, water, and wildlife to support their way of life for thousands of years.

Related: Study Reiterates: There's Not Enough Mineral Matter on Earth To Run Climate Cult 'Renewables'

So, let me get this straight. They’re doing this to support the way of life that people have known “for thousands of years” for “Alaska Native communities,” but they do little to nothing for the people of East Palestine, Ohio when their water and air is poisoned because the government thought burning chemicals after a train derailment was a good idea?

Listen, Alaskans are Americans, too. They deserve the protection of the American federal government that they pay their taxes for, but why is it one way for some and another for another in this country? Why does our current government pick and choose who is worthy of their help.

Also, how do they know that their actions and edicts will guarantee the way of life they’re talking about for the people they mention? How do they know the planet as we know it will be the planet as we know it in thousands of years?

The rub is that they don’t know for sure. They just need to spend money on technologies that their green buddies have developed in order to keep themselves somehow virtuous, while at the same time keeping all of their pockets lined.

We wish it was about the environment. At least then there’d be an excuse for incompetence on such a catastrophic level.


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