Biden Calls Masters Champion ‘A Japanese Boy’

Eric Scheiner | April 18, 2021

Joe Biden on Friday called Masters golf champion, 29 year old Hideki Matsuyama, a “Japanese boy” in the Rose Garden in front of Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.

Related: Biden Says He 'Came to the United States Senate 120 Years Ago'

 “Yoshi, I know how proud you are — the people of Japan are — and you’ve got a Japanese boy coming over here and guess what? He won the Masters. He won the Masters. He won the green jacket,” Biden said.

Calling Matsuyama a “Japanese boy” caught the attention of the Twitterverse.

Some on social media defended Biden by citing his age as a factor in his comment. 

Let’s not forget, Biden claims he started serving in the Senate more than a century ago. So if Biden is over 150 years old, as he seems to believe, many of us would seem very young to the aged, career politician.