Americans Are Refusing The Jab Because They Know They've Been Lied To - And Fauci's Emails Prove It

Brittany M. Hughes | June 4, 2021

recent Morning Consult poll shows only 54 percent of Americans say they’ve gotten at least one dose of the COVID vaccine, while 33 percent say they’re either on the fence or don’t plan to get the shot at all. Among those 18-34, only 33 percent say they’ve gotten the shot, while 1 in 4 say they aren’t planning to. Nutshell: that means that per the CDC’s definition, only about half the country is even partially vaccinated – and millions are saying they don’t want to be. So to deal with this, the White House is taking a new tack in trying to get people to get The Jab.

The administration’s calling it an “all-of-America sprint” to get at least 70% of the population vaccinated by July 4. How? By offering free childcare while adults are being vaccinated, vaccination centers are being opened up everywhere from barber shops to NASCAR races to pharmacies with newly-extended hours. Cities are holding vaccine competitions and “events.” Distributors like Anheuser-Busch and Kroger are offering free beer if the country reaches Biden’s goal. Oh, and there’s free food for anyone who gets The Jab at a community health center.

Wanna know why? Why the government’s having to offer alcohol and parties and pick-up truck raffles and million-dollar lotteries to get people to get this thing? Because people don’t trust it. And they don’t trust it because they know they’ve been lied to and they’re sick of it.