Amazing: Aerial Shot of Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' Rally, Plus A Little of Sharpton

Joe Schoffstall | August 29, 2010

I haven't paid much attention to the numbers the mainstream media is saying attended the Glenn Beck 'Restoring Honor' rally yesterday at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., but I'd guesstimate it's somewhere around 500-1000 people given their track record on previous 'estimates'. (note: that's sarcasm directed at the media's reporting of the first 9/12 march last year.) This is a photo I first saw on Twitter, and since I've seen it floating around elsewhere. I thought I'd share it with everyone just in case you haven't seen it.

I did leave the rally early and headed over to Al Sharpton's 'Reclaiming the Dream' rally in hopes of getting an interview with him. Unfortunately, his bodyguard told me he wasn't doing interviews. Despite all the talk from the NBPP president, Malik Shabazz, on how he was going to crash Glenn Beck's rally-- he didn't even show up to Sharpton's event. Looks like Shabazz is full of bark, and carries little bite.

Finally, here's a very generous shot of Sharpton's crowd from the press area. This doesn't include the congregation of SEIU members and other attendees who were outside of the rally in the streets.

Sharpton's website claims that 30,000 people made the 5-mile march to the MLK memorial, but I find that a little hard to believe. Those are high school football bleachers. There is nowhere near 30,000 people there. UPDATE: I didn't notice this initially, but someone on the Facebook page pointed out that within the picture of the SEIU holding the banner, 'American' is spelled incorrectly. I'm guessing that happens a lot with them. UPDATE: I initially said that Al Sharpton's bodyguard appeared to be a Black Panther. Turns out he's not, he's a member of Sharpton's National Action Network.