Actress Kerry Washington: 'Black Folks Are Seduced' To Conservatism

Eric Scheiner | October 14, 2020

Actress Kerry Washington says “Black folks are seduced into voting conservative, because of their feelings about gay marriage.”

Washington made the statement in a recent interview in the Hollywood Reporter.

“I know from being on the campaign trail in '08, and '12, and now, how many Black folks are seduced into voting conservative, because of their feelings about gay marriage. They’ll vote against their own best interests on all these other areas, because of these ideas,” she said.

Washington never elaborates on what these "other areas" of conservatism that are "against their own best interests." But you know, details.

Washington made the comments while discussing her upcoming Netflix project “Prom,” which is a musical about a group of aging Broadway actors engaging in activism to help a lesbian who isn’t allowed to take her girlfriend to the prom in Indiana (no, that’s the plot, I swear, really).

I guess Netflix needed a follow-up to 'Cuties.'